Xploras LLC Data Protection Statement

This data protection policy sets out and explains the nature, scope and purpose of the processing of personal data through the services and presence of Xploras LLC. With regard to the legal terms used, reference should be made, in particular, to the definitions in Art. 4 of the GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation.

"Xploras Website" shall be defined herein to include xploras.net and all subdomains or web pages operated or hosted exclusively by Xploras LLC. The Xploras Website is offered to You under the condition of Your acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions and notices contained on this page, as well as the conditions contained on the "Terms of Use" section. Your use of the Xploras Website constitutes Your agreement to all such terms, conditions and notices.

Xploras Privacy Policy

Xploras LLC is committed to the protection of Your personal information. This Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which Xploras collects and uses personal information about You as part of our business activities. This Privacy Policy describes in detail who is responsible for the personal information that Xploras collects about You, what personal information is collected, how Xploras uses such personal information, who it may be disclosed to and Your rights and choices in relation to Your personal information.

Data Protection Subjects

Users, visitors, interested parties, clients and business partners of Xploras services. These data protection subjects are further referred to as "users".

Processed Data

While some of the information collected is required for business purposes, other information is voluntarily given by the user. Xploras only collects this data when voluntarily given by the individual and for statistical purposes only. Xploras does not share this information with third parties for business purposes. The type of personal information that Xploras may collect could include, but not limited to:

  • Full name, date of birth, address and email contact information
  • Payment information
  • Preference information, such as the communications You receive from us
  • Metadata such as information about accessing devices, type of browser, IP addresses
  • Any other information voluntarily provided by the user

If You are providing personal information to Xploras relating to a third party, You confirm that You have the consent of the third party to share such personal information with Xploras and that You have made the information in this Privacy Policy available to the third party.

Purposes of Data Processing

Xploras will used the collected user data as follows:

  • To provide the Xploras Website to You
  • To communicate with You and to respond to questions that You have raised with Xploras
  • To administrate and improve the Xploras Website
  • To process Your payment for Xploras services, products and events
  • To prevent and detect fraud
  • To protect and enforce Xploras' legal rights

Legal Basis and Terms

Xploras is collecting the above data for the legitimate business purposes such as the provision of the Xploras Website, as well as to improve and ensure the security of the latter. Another legal basis for the processing of the beforementioned data is the compliance with legal obligations to which Xploras is subject. Xploras may also request Your consent in circumstances where a legal justification over and above legitimate interests is required by applicable law. For our legitimate business purposes.

Who does Xploras share Your personal information with?

Xploras does not share Your personal information with any other third-parties unless it is necessary to pursue our claims or there is a legal obligation in accordance with Art. 6-1-c GDPR.

Hosting, log files, email dispatch

The hosting services we utilise are necessary to provide the following services: infrastructure and application services, computing and storage capacity, database services, email dispatch, as well as security and technical maintenance services, which we implement to operate our services.

Hereby, we, or if applicable, our hosting providers, process inventory data, contact details, content data, contract data, usage data, meta and communication data of clients, interested parties and visitors of our service on the basis of our legitimate interests in the efficient and secure provision of our services in accordance with Art. 6 (1)(f) GDPR in conjunction with Art. 28 GDPR (conclusion of processing contract). Our website is hosted by Hetzner.

For the possible processing of data in this context, there is a corresponding order processing contract to ensure data protection. We or our hosting provider, collect(s) data on the basis of legitimate interests in line with Art. 6 (1)(f) GDPR about every access to the server, on which this service is located (so-called server log files). Access data includes the name of the visited website, file, date and time of visit, amount of data transferred, information about successful retrieval, browser type and version, user's operating system, referrer URL (previously visited page), IP address and the requested provider. Further basis for data processing in the corresponding case is Art. 6 (1)(b) GDPR, which allows the processing of data to fulfil contractual or pre-contractual measures. Log file information is used for security reasons, such as, for example, to investigation misuse or fraud, and is stored for a maximum of 7 days and deleted thereafter. Data, of which further retention is required for evidential purposes, shall be exempted from deletion until final clarification of the event.

Registration function

Users have the possibility to create an account. Upon registration, the required mandatory information is communicated to users and processed based on Art. 6-1-b GDPR. The processed data includes, in particular, the login information. This data, as well as other data entered during registration, will be used for the purpose of providing the account and the use of related services.

The users can be informed by email about information that is related their account. As soon as users have cancelled their account, or the term has expired, their data concerning the account will be deleted, subject to legal storage obligations. It is the users’ responsibility to back up their data before the end of the contract. We are entitled to irretrievably delete all user data stored during the contract duration.

When utilising our registration and login functions, as well as the account utilisation, we store the IP address and the time of the corresponding action of the user. This storage is based on our legitimate interests and on the interest of the user’s protection against misuse and other unauthorised use. Disclosure of this data to third parties does generally not take place unless it is necessary to pursue our claims or there is a legal obligation in accordance with Art. 6-1-c GDPR. IP addresses are anonymised or deleted after 7 days at the latest.

Your Rights, Including Removing, Correcting or Updating Personal Information

If You change Your mind on how Xploras discloses or uses Your information, or wish to access, correct or update personal information it is possible to update or remove the personal data You give us.

The bellow summary applies to individuals located in the EU and EEA only: You have certain rights with respect to Your personal information. The rights may only apply in certain circumstances and are subject to certain exemptions. Please see the summary below for a summary of Your rights and who to contact to exercise them.

  • Right of access to Your personal information - You have the right to receive a copy of Your personal information that we hold about You, subject to certain exemptions.
  • Right to rectify Your personal information - You have the right to ask Xploras to correct Your personal information that it holds where it is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Right to erasure of Your personal information - You have the right to ask that Xploras delete Your personal information in certain circumstances. For example (i) where Your personal information is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise used; (ii) if You withdraw Your consent and there is no other legal ground for which Xploras relies on for the continued use of Your personal information; (iii) if You object to the use of Your personal information (as set out below); (iv) if Xploras has used Your personal information unlawfully; or (v) if Your personal information needs to be erased to comply with a legal obligation.
  • Right to restrict the use of Your personal information - You have the right to suspend Xploras' use of Your personal information in certain circumstances. For example (i) where You think Your personal information is inaccurate and only for such period to enable Xploras to verify the accuracy of Your personal information; (ii) the use of Your personal information is unlawful and You oppose the erasure of Your personal information and request that it is suspended instead; (iii) Xploras no longer needs Your personal information, but Your personal information is required by You for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; or (iv) You have objected to the use of Your personal information and Xploras is verifying whether its grounds for the use of Your personal information override Your objection.
  • Right to data portability - You have the right to obtain Your personal information in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and for it to be transferred to another organization, where it is technically feasible. The right only applies where the use of Your personal information is based on Your consent or for the performance of a contract, and when the use of Your personal information is carried out by automated (i.e. electronic) means.
  • Right to object to the use of Your personal information - You have the right to object to the use of Your personal information in certain circumstances. For example (i) where You have grounds relating to Your particular situation and Xploras uses Your personal information for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party); and (ii) if You object to the use of Your personal information for direct marketing purposes.
  • Right to withdraw consent - You have the right to withdraw Your consent at any time where Xploras relies on Your consent to use Your personal information.
  • Right to complain to the relevant data protection authority - You have the right to complain to the relevant data protection authority where You think Xploras has not used Your personal information in accordance with data protection law.


Xploras Website uses cookies to manage its website. A cookie is a small file placed on Your computer when You visit a website. Cookies are used to store information to manage Your website experience such as Your type of web browser. A cookie can also store preference information to customize Your website experience.

Cookies help us understand how parties use our website so Xploras can design better services in the future. You can adjust Your web browser to disable cookies. However, Xploras may not be able to provide You with all the services or functionality available on the Xploras Website if You choose to disable cookies.

You may also remove Xploras cookies from Your browser. Please refer to Your browser’s help menu for instructions.

Contacting Xploras with Questions, Concerns or Complaints

Should You have any questions, concerns or a complaint about this Privacy Policy, please contact Xploras at support@xploras.net. You are entitled to make an anonymous complaint or inquiry in relation to this Privacy Policy or Your privacy rights; however, Xploras may require You to identify Yourself if required by law or it is impracticable for us to deal with Your matter otherwise.

Changes to the Xploras Privacy Policy

Any material changes to the Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. The updated Privacy Policy will take effect as soon as it has been updated.